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Herculaneum: Index


General Maps

Map of Herculaneum
Map of Herculaneum, southern half

Streets and groups of houses

Ancient and Modern Herculaneum seen from causeway
Building with apse in atrium seen from causeway
Decumanus Minor near Palestra
Decumanus Minor facing east
Houses adjoining Palestra along Cardo V Superiore (rear view)
Houses adjoining Palestra along Cardo V Superiore (rear view)


Central Baths plan
Central Baths isometric plan
Central Baths entrance
Central Baths, Mens' Apodyterium
Central Baths, Men's Apodyterium, east wall
Central Baths, Men's Apodyterium, labrum
Central Baths, Men's Apodyterium, decoration
Central Baths, Men's Calidarium, apse
Central Baths, Men's Calidarium, apse
Central Baths, Men's Calidarium, entrance mosaic
Central Baths, Men's Calidarium, north side
Central Baths, Men's Calidarium, west side
Central Baths, Men's Tepidarium floor mosaic
Central Baths, Men's Tepidarium, left dolphin mosaic
Central Baths, Men's Tepidarium, right dolphin mosaic
Central Baths, Men's Frigidarium paintings


Boathouses viewed from side
Boathouses viewed from front
Boathouses front detail


Fountain of Venus
Fountain of Venus relief detail
Fountain with Hercules

Fountain with Hercules relief detail

House of Argos

House of Argos plan
House of Argos portal
House of Argos excedra murals
House of Argos excedra murals detail
House of Argos peristyle

House of Aristides

House of Aristides plan
House of Aristides portal
House of Aristides atrium

House of the Genius

House of the Genius portal
House of the Genius peristyle
House of the Genius peristyle

House of the Great Portal

House of the Great Portal, plan
House of the Great Portal, entrance
House of the Great Portal, triclinium mural
House of the Great Portal, triclinium tragic masks

House of Neptune and Amphitrite
House of Neptune & Amphitrite mask of Bacchus

House of the Relief of Telepho

House of the Relief of Telepho seen from causeway
House of the Relief of Telepho, detail of red columns

House of the Skeleton

House of the Skeleton plan
House of the Skeleton, nymphaeum apse
House of the Skeleton, 3rd style murals
House of the Skeleton triclinium
House of the Skeleton triclinium mural
House of the Skeleton courtyard mural with birds
House of the Skeleton lararium mosaic
House of the Skeleton lararium mosaic detail

House of the Wooden Partition

House of the Wooden Partition plan

House of the Wooden Partition mural
House of the Wooden Partition mural

House of the Wooden Partition tragic mask
House of the Wooden Partition atrium & tablinum
House of the Wooden Partition cartibulum in atrium
House of the Wooden Partition atrium impluvium
House of the Wooden Partition mural 1 in oecus
House of the Wooden Partition mural 2 in oecus
House of the Wooden Partition mural 3 in oecus

House IV

House IV, patio with mosaic floor
House IV wall painting

Samnite House

Samnite House entrance portal

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