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Anemone leaf chloroplast 

Anemone leaf chloroplast with detail of grana (SEM image)

The Anemone is a present-day flowering plant in the class of Angiosperms. It belongs to the subclass of Eudicots, the order Ranunculales, and the family Ranunculaceae.  

The image shows a detail of a chloroplast in an Anemone leaf, with parts of three grana shown.  Chloroplasts are organelles in the cells of green leaves which perform photosynthesis. The grana are stacks of thylakoids in the chloroplast. 

The thylakoids are lamellae or layers containing the chlorophyll pigment, which captures sunlight photons. Through photosynthesis, the sunlight is converted into Hydrogen ions and used to make ATP for energy storage in the plant.                         

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